
Showing posts from July, 2013

Five Top Music Tips

Once again, I’m here, not only to share my own music journey but also share some of my experiences with you & hopefully help you avoid some of tha pitfalls  . So all you have to do is sign up to these blogs & sit back and relax. Why would I want to share my knowledge with you for free when I’ve spent years parting with my hard earned pennies only to be shafted you may ask?  Well because there was nobody there guiding me across tha minefield of tha music industry as I was growing up, I had to go it alone & patch up my own wounds. So I will get satisfaction out of knowing that I’ve armed you with some of tha tools you need to help you  across, then its up to you. I hope what I tell you here and in future blogs will  help in some small way with tha decisions you make, save you some cash and give you a smoother ride. All I ask is that what I share with you , you pass on to others, think of it as good karma …..seems a fair deal huh?  1. Avoid  with a mega wide