"I Reckon I Could Eat A Tin Of Alphabet Spaghetti And Crap Out A Better Article On M.E Than Is Sadly Often Written In The Media"
I have an illness called M.E also known by it's medical name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, that's .....My-al-gic (jic) en-ceph (seff) alo-mye (my) lit (light) is..... Put it together and what have you got? Bibbety Bobbety Boo... M.E is a chronic complex physical illness affecting the whole body with symptoms such as Exhaustion, this is not about feeling tired, we're talking about a total bone shattering painful body Exhaustion, Problems with Breathlessness, Brain function, Memory Loss, Co-ordination, Brain Fog, Muscle spasms, Nerve Endings, Bowel and Bladder, Sensitivity to Light and Sound, Heart problems, Eating and Swallowing (Unsafe Swallow) and a whole heap of other stuff that you really wouldn't want to be dealing with given the choice.
But sadly, living with M.E isn't a choice, it's a serious condition that can strike anyone, any age, any gender, any culture. One day 33yrs ago I was struck down with Flu not knowing that life was about to change forever. As the months went on I just seemed to get worse until I no longer had a social life and also had to put a halt on my music career and finally the last thing to go....my job. It took six extremely challenging years to get the M.E diagnosis and then I went on to get Fibromyalgia and Osteoporosis, which is quite common with M.E Sufferers. Despite M.E being classified as a physical illness by the World health organisation since 1969 there are still those in the Medical Profession and Media with ignorant outdated views still trying to drag it down a psychiatry route. I consider myself a tough cookie, but I can honestly say that over the years nothing has been as frightening as being on the receiving end of such mass Ignorance and Prejudice, and by the very people supposedly there to help, it felt like a witch hunt and we were living in Victorian times.
She had sadly but beautifully written about her M.E Journey in "The Box Story" It was a story that resonated with me, as I'm sure it will with many of you? And although I never knew Amberlin I've felt connected to her ever since, and so in her memory I continue to share her story.
With the possibility that Long Covid might also actually be M.E It's important that we continue our fight for future generations so they don't have to go through what many of us have been subjected to. So If you as an individual or your company are looking to support a charity, I ask if you'll take 5 mins out of your busy schedule to go check out the amazing work they are doing? Below are some awareness tracks free to download, plus the video and interpretation of my M.E poem One Stupid Dot:
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