
Showing posts from November, 2013


Have you ever stolen a bit of someones song? Come honest, you're amongst friends. There have been many arguments & lawsuits through the decades concerning stolen songs, nicked guitar riffs, & poached drum kicks. Only today a friend text me to say that she kept hearing a song on tha radio that reminded her of tha opener of my track "I cant Stand Tha Rain" & wondered if tha artist had nicked it..intrigued I went to check it out. It was none other than Lady Ga Ga & her new song "Do what you want with my body" &  yes, I can see a slight musical similarity and had a little chuckle, You can check for yaself.                                                    Theres a  war of words going on right now between Marvin Gayes family & Robin Thickes camp over tha track "Blurred Lines" You can read it here:  GAYE Vs THICKE   Note tha line that says " being reminiscent of a 'sound' is not copyright infringement"

Music- What's in a Name?

So whats ya name? have you tried googling it to see if there’s lots of “YOU” out there. If you put in your real name unless its sumthin really obscure like “Atlas Galactupus   Kirk Homer Lazzard” you’ll find there’s lots of “YOU” out there. Being “ME” only became a problem with the introduction of technology . It naively came as a shock when I tried to sign up to tha first popular social networking site as “stacy hart”  a message came back that tha name had already been taken………..Huh?                               It was only then I began to realise there were actually loads of “ME” out there, I was a lawyer, a photographer, a financial advisor, a seamstress, and it was only when the national newspapers started ringing our house  asking to talk with me about my latest film I realised I was also  an actress. I’m not sure who was most disappointed to find out I wasn’t her, them or me. Anyhow it was no good being “ME” if I couldn’t use my name to sign up to