Have you ever stolen a bit of someones song? Come honest, you're amongst friends. There have been many arguments & lawsuits through the decades concerning stolen songs, nicked guitar riffs, & poached drum kicks. Only today a friend text me to say that she kept hearing a song on tha radio that reminded her of tha opener of my track "I cant Stand Tha Rain" & wondered if tha artist had nicked it..intrigued I went to check it out. It was none other than Lady Ga Ga & her new song "Do what you want with my body" & yes, I can see a slight musical similarity and had a little chuckle, You can check for yaself. Theres a war of words going on right now between Marvin Gayes family & Robin Thickes camp over tha track "Blurred Lines" You can read it here: GAYE Vs THICKE Note tha line that says " being reminiscent of a 'sound' is not copyright infringement"