
Showing posts from August, 2015

UPDATE: EP Launch Delay

1. Jus Human   2. ToolBox  3  Give U-Jmoya ft MamaChill 4 .Tears 5. Bus Stop 16 6. The World & His Wife  Hey Lionharts & Chillsters, apologies  on a slight delay with dropping the EP. The Runnin On Empty EP, will drop  next weekend now and not tomorrow as planned. With everything that's been going on,  I'm traipsing through a thick fog like a fart in a trance, so even with  working my ass off there's no way humanly possible i'm going to get it dropped tomorrow as planned. There's only one of me...which is a good thing coz the world couldn't handle two i'm sure. I don't have management or anything, which I prefer because I get to control what I do and how and It means I get to have a more personal connection & banter with all of you sharing the journey . But the downside means I have to sort everything myself & while I'm usually disciplined & focused in the main, since my brothers death  I've just lost...

Oh Poop!

Hey Lionharts & Chillsters, I suddenly had the realisation yesterday that I was meant to release the “Runnin On Empty”  E.P next week and I haven’t even started organising it … I will be pulling my finger out this week to pull it off…not my finger, the EP. Truth is  my head is so mashed right now it’s hard to think at all let alone clearly. As some of you will know we’re still reeling from my brothers sudden suicide in May, it will be his inquest and his birthday this week so things are still very raw, painful  and very difficult for the family. Tears are still-a-plenty. Then Last week my sister was given the devastating news that she has terminal cancer, we are all praying daily and hoping for a miracle, it’s all too much for the family to deal with but deal with it we must. In my previous blog “Follow me down to the end of the road” I stated that I would be putting down the Mic for good at the end of August and explained that I didn’t want to drag on ...