
Showing posts from April, 2024

Doing it For M.E?

Hey, seeing as it's been awhile and I promised not to write unless I had some positive  news to share with you....            Ta da!  🤪   As some of you will know it's been a pretty awful time as far as trying to get a track recorded  🤣 And In the run up to Mays M.E awareness month, I've been trying to get it done to release as a free download before International M.E day on 12th May. While i'm starting to produce my own Music I'm still at the early stages and certainly not the skillz to mix and master,... and then my good ol mum just happened to say "Why don't you contact Shane?" Those who've followed from the off will know the Uber talented Shane Shanahan as the producer of my album "Nobody wants to know ya when ya nobody", EP "Runnin On Empty" and subsequent singles in-between. As it's been a decade (How the hell has it been that long? 😲 ) I wasn't sure he'd even remember me let alone be able to come to the ...