My Review On Shameful Music Review Scheme.
I want you to imagine a mega
large siren going off at this point and “AVOID” flashing in neon coloured
I’m talking about
Reverbnations newly “paid to get reviewed” offering, I cant holla enough at how
much this is just a money making (theres NOT yours) waste of time.
This kinda thing isn’t new,
Its been around for some time and unfortunately there will be new &
gullible artists taken in by it, but its an absolutely rubbish method and you’d
be better off asking some artists of the same genre as you on your music sites
or social networking feed to give you an honest critique, it will be free and
you can offer to do the same for them in return if they should want it.
I was horrified when I saw
Reverbnation was going down this money rip off route and I did tell them so. There’s
another outfit called Music X-ray who offer the same thing, in fact everything
Music X-ray offer is questionable. But
back to this review rip off scheme that comes disguised under various titles.
Basically, ordinary people
usually music fans signed up to the site are encouraged to review your music in
return for something, it could be a couple of cent per review, or credits, to
use for music downloads etc ,each site will have their own worm to reel in the

I’ve researched this and
tried it out from both sides, just in case your wondering. The reviewers often
have to sign up and agree to certain terms like not to be rude or swear when
critiquing someones track. But theres nothing stopping them simply writing “ I
don’t like it” & rating you 2 stars……yes you’ve just paid for someone to
say that, with no reason or explainantion why, and they’ve just got their 5
cent for another review thankyou very much, meanwhile you’ve just paid $20 or
whatever tha particular site is charging
per review.
Like I said every
organisation offering this money making scheme describes it slightly
differently, Reverbnations is about you testing out wether your track is radio
friendly , but this is just another cheap shameful shot at extracting money
from an often already poor unsigned artist. Tha review of your track is worth
diddley squat, you could have a spotty 14yr old dude sat in his bedroom having
a bad day & deciding his gonna sit there hating everyones track…there
really will be no constructive benefit to you in all this.
So please, do yourselves a
massive favour and hold onto to your money. Like I said earlier if you really
want constructive criticism then get
some of your own friends together and say “look, I need you to be honest about
this, tell me what you like, what you don’t like, if you think I could improve
on it etc”
So that was MY review of this
awful money making music review scheme, I hope it helps? & it didn’t cost
you a penny. Stay Blessed ;) xxx
Also reverbnation never quite follows through on any of their schemes. With all the half-arsed efforts one would expect a full arse by now.
ReplyDeleteLOL! very true, its a shame because I actually like reverbnation, tha concept from tha beginning was very good and they still have a gr8 lot of tools, but they've also lost their way and have seemingly gone down a road that many go down, which is to make as much money regardless of ethics or tha nature of whatevers on offer. They have to make money, i get that, it's a business butm it now just smacks of desperately trying to make money every whivh way and loose lol! ;) xxx